Thursday, January 1, 2015

Diary of a Stay At Home Mom

I have been a blog writing fiend this week. This was something I wanted to do for a while now and finally decided to fit it in. I know a lot of people don't know what it's like in the daily life of a stay at home mom (or dad). I know a lot of people think that all we do is sit on our bums all day. So, I decided to write a series of blog posts that go through my daily life so that everyone can read what a stay at home parents daily life is like. This will be the first one of many. 

Nighttime- Wake up every hour or two to tend to Eli because he is hungry or just wants to be cuddled. I know I am spoiling him but if I didn't I wouldn't get any sleep at all. Also at some time in the middle of the night Hubby started grinding his teeth. Tried to be sneaky and put valor on his toe...well he woke up and luckily was in good spirits about it. Whew, no more grinding teeth.

7:00- This is the time I was able to wake up today. Actually I woke up earlier but I just stayed in bed for a little bit. Usually I have to get my butt up a lot earlier but my little ones have been sick and sleeping in. I also have this set as an alarm on my phone because on school days Bridgette needs to get up at this time.

7:30- I should officially get up now. Hubby is home and getting around for work. Then Emelia woke up so I guess its go time.

7:45-I decided to take pictures on how our house looks every day when I wake up. Also turned on our diffusers after the pics to help with sickness.

Front room:


Family Room:

Okay so the rooms are not in that bad of shape. Usually everything looks 3 times as worse than this. 

8- I make Emelia some food (and sneak some chocolate for myself) then I pack Hubby's lunch.

8:15- Had to help hubby take out the trash. Omgoodness it is cold outside. Not fun at all.

8:30- Just started cleaning and little man is now awake. Put him in his walker and get to cleaning with hopes that he wont start crying.

9:27-Nurse calls to check in on Eli because of his surgery and because he was sick. Everything is A-ok!

9:30-Front room and Kitchen are done! Woo-hoo just in time too because little man started to cry! It's time to feed and change him:

Front room:


9:40- Little man is done being changed and fed now it is time to take a shower because both kids are happy.

9:55-Shower done! Hair in Anna braids because I am too lazy to do anything else, now onto cleaning the Family room!

10:15-Family room is clean! Yay! It's time to make a fire because it is freezing in here.

10:17- Making a fire is not going so well. Just keep adding paper and hope it lights up.

10:20-Uhh smoke is now coming into my family room...blow on it and hope it stops.

10:30-Let there be fire! I am the ruler of the fire! Oh no...don't go out..I will add more paper.

10:45-Okay, the fire is actually going. Now, it's time to change the little ones into their outfits. Oh I haven't eaten yet let me shove some cereal into my mouth and be good to go... and re-clean a little of the front room and the family room.

11:00- Kids are changed rooms are kind of clean (I give up. As I was putting stuff away, Emelia was taking them back out) so now its time to tackle laundry.

Front Room:

Laundry Pile:

11:15- Laundry thrown in washer and now its time to start folding. Oh, hold that Eli is now screaming. Time to rock him so he sleeps.

11:45-Okay, now Eli is alseep and I just need to put him in his crib. Gently...gently....whew he stayed asleep. Now its time to fold my first basket of laundry. 

11:52-Basket is indeed folded! Emelia is hungry lets see what I can make her. Oh is dying need to grab wood. Don't die fire, don't die!

12:00- Now its time to make Emelia some food. Oh wait, Eli is now crying I have to get him.

12:05- Can I make a peanut butter and honey sandwich one handed? You bet I can!

12:30-Emelia is still eating, fire is still going on, Eli is mildly happy, now its time for me to eat leftover baked ziti.

12:39-Bridgette calls from her Aunt Ashleys house. She never wants to come back home lol. Well she didn't say in in those exact words but close. Mid convo she mutes her side and then calls back to tell me she is not coming home until night time.

12:50-Now it's time to get the laundry from the dryer that I may have forgotten for a couple days.

12:55- OH NO! I don't know where these orange spots came from but they are all over the laundry! Including my husbands work shirt. I am in trouble...I am so in trouble...

1:50- Oh don't mind me I am just scrubbing away on husbands work shirt for the past hour trying to get the orange out. Not to mention I still have a whole pile of laundry that has the dreaded orange stains on them!

2:00-I GIVE UP ON THIS STUPID SHIRT! Plus Eli is screaming, so yeah its time to feed him and rock him to sleep.

2:30-Okay Eli is asleep and my facebook has indeed been checked like I do every time he is feeding. It is New Years Eve so I invited Ashley and Trent to hang out after they bring B back home. Time to work on this stupid shirt again.

2:45- Ugh my back hurts, time to give up again. I think I *might be making progress. Little man is up so I have to run outside to get the trash cans, the mail, and some more logs for the fire.

3:13-I decided to look to see how much stuff is orange in the laundry pile. Well, everything is orange.....I think I might just throw it in the washer and see what that does. First though while both kids are good let me write down everything.

3:30-Laundry is thrown in the washer and some essential oils are added. Praying for a miracle! Plus I found out the culprit of the orange. Somehow an orange crayon got in there. Grrr and the inside of my dryer is all orange. Here is hoping that it doesn't stay that way.

3:40-Eli is now throwing a hissy fit...look at his little hissy fit face.Time to feed and rock him. Oh, but he left a surprise in his diaper. After 4 days of not pooping he decided to go. Gosh it's on my hand. Just keep wiping, just keep wiping. Now we are all changed time to run and wash my hands.

3:55-Eli is changed, fed, and rocked but not sleepy. Putting him back on the floor and its time to get Emelia that refill on milk that shes been asking for, for the past hour.

4:00- Time to get MORE logs, boy are fires hard work to keep going. Also time to re-clean the family room. OH and somehow Eli got a highlighter....boy you're just going to have pink hands for a little bit. Thank goodness he had his binky in his mouth. On top of that Emelia is now diaperless. Time to make her sit on the potty.

Yes I am "watching" the show Angel, don't judge.

4:20-Family room is clean...again. Eli is chewing on something or other. Emelia is still on the potty. Now time to clean the bathroom.

4:30-Bathroom is now kind of clean. I closed the shower curtain took the trash and cleared off the sink...good enough. Time to clean the dining room that I have been neglecting. Emelia is now sticking her head in the toilet....time to put a diaper back on her and put up the toilet.

4:35-Started to clean the dining room but Emelia wanted more milk. Lets just say the wasn't happy when I gave her water.

4:40-Dining room all clean and now its time to read Emme a book and send her to take a nap I forgot she needed until now. She does not like to be put in her bed...then time to try to finish laundry.

Usually its a lot worse than this!


4:50-I may have forgotten to turn on the dryer. At least I can check on the other clothes. Still has orange on them oh well. Lets check hubby's shirt. It does look better but I can still see orange spots. Time to scrub it again.

Just a little bit before 5- Hubby is home, Emelia fell asleep, and I am in the process of finishing scrubbing shirt. Then I will make dinner and do some of my business work. Bridgette will be home soon and we will enjoy the rest of our New Years Eve!

This was actually an easy slow day for me. The house was able to stay mostly clean and I did not have to go to 5 million places! The laundry didn't get done like I wanted but that's okay! Next time I do this I think I will take more pictures. It's hard to remember to take pictures of stuff! Happy New Years everyone!

Peace and Love,

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