Thursday, October 16, 2014

School is Indeed Cool Folks!

Hello there! We just got back from a very cool program that my daughters school does. They invited all the kids from kindergarten, first grade, and second grade to come in tonight and have a fun time with food, magic, and games! It was all free, which I was definitely digging that. The fact that I didn't have to make dinner, awesome! So, let me start from the beginning.

We arrived at the school at 6 and we got to have a nice dinner together. They had noodles and sauce, salad, and bread. They also had brownies and cookies. I may or may not have had about 10 of each....yeah I have a sweet tooth. I got to meet a couple other moms from different classes and Bridgette got to point out some kids in her class. It was pretty cool. 

After dinner we all went into the gym and there was a magic show! The magicians name was Tom Plunkard whom is an award winning magician that does magic shows at different schools! I wish we could book him for our kids birthday parties because he did a great job and I would love to have him do a magic show for our kids and their friends. I don't think that we are the type of family to book a magician though, we will see. Anyways, he was very funny and the kids loved him. Plus he had two live doves and a bunny, he couldn't go wrong! If your child has a chance to see him or book him for a birthday party, I highly recommend it!

After that we got to play educational games. One cool one was based after bowling. What it had in it was ten frame playing cards. They had a certain number of the 10 frame filled in and your child had to count what number was it in and if they are right they got to take a bowling ball (a bingo chip) and they got to put it on their 10 frame mat. In the cards they had strikes (gives you a ball for free) and gutter balls (takes one away). First one to 10 bowling balls on their mat wins! I thought that that was such a cute (and fun) game and it was educational too. Another game was you would pull up a card with a word on it and you had to pick out on the mat what word rhymes with the word on the card and you also had to say another word that rhymes. Brad got to play that one with Bridgette and they had fun with it. At the end of the night they gave us a bag that had all the games in it plus more and they even gave us some Halloween things. We had so much fun at it all and feel blessed that the school offered it for us. 

Emelia had tons of fun tonight too and she got to enjoy doing everything that sissy was doing. Eli just kinda chilled out but all three kids were super good. Nights like tonight really lets me know how blessed I truly am. 

I also wanted to talk about yesterday. I went to my MOPS group and we got to find out what animal our personality was. I am an otter. Here is a pdf of the test if you want to find out what animal you are: 

You go to there and you fill out the first page. You look at the total scores for each row and the row you got the highest number in is what personality type you are. The first is lion, second is otter, third is golden retriever, and forth is beaver. You get to learn a little more about each personality trait and if your spouse does it with you then it can really help you understand them.  I thought it was really cool and dead on for me. My husband is a lion, I know this because I know my husband. He doesn't even have to take the test and I know what he would score higher in. 

An update on Eli is this month we don't have a whole lot going on. We are having his developmental nurse coming next Wednesday and I have to make a 6 month well child visit for him. He has been doing really well so he didn't have to see the craniofacial surgeon this month. Next month though is going to be nuts. He has to have a CT scan where he will have to have anesthesia, I am kind of freaking out about that. Then he has to see the craniofacial surgeon. Then our original neurosurgeon was sadly not able to do the surgery so now I have an appointment to meet with his partner that will be doing the surgery instead of him. At the end is our monthly meeting with the developmental nurse. Busy busy busy. I really cannot wait to be able to put this all behind us and be able to just enjoy our little man. Thanks for listening folks! 

Peace and Love, 

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