Monday, April 27, 2015

Eli's First Birthday!

We celebrated our little mans first birthday this past weekend. I cannot believe that we don't have an infant anymore. This year just flew by and part of me wishes it would have lasted a lot longer. I wish that I spent less time being worried and more time just enjoying my last child. I am so proud of everything that he has gone through this year and I wanted his first birthday to be a big celebration of his strength.

We decided to do a superhero birthday party. I am doing his room in superhero so I wanted to take the decorations right from his party and decorate his room with them. I would feel like I am wasting things less and it has two uses for the price of one!

I made a little cape banner and a sign that said ELI in superman symbols. It turned out pretty cool. I am not sure if we got a picture of the cape banner but in the next couple of pictures you will see the superman sign. I had tissue paper balls that I hung from our light and decorated with streamers. My streamers kept on falling down and what I did with them wasn't as impressive as Bridgette's party. I didn't take pictures this time of the decor. I was just way to busy but I will do another blog post when we finish his room and you can see some of the stuff I made there.

We got our cake from Sam's Club because they offered a 1/2 sheet for the price of a 1/4 sheet. We are still eating cake...

Here I am lighting the candles for his cake. He got to wear a little birthday tie that said 1 birthday boy. I felt bad but little man's tie didn't quite fit around his neck. It was too small, he is a big boy. It still looked cute though. He kept on trying to get into his cake. Emelia didn't want to touch her cake at all without a fork on her first birthday so it was amazing that Eli just dove right in. 

It. Was. GLORIOUS! I gave him a big portion of his cake and he treated it like every baby should on their first birthday and got it everywhere! Seriously, it was even in his belly button. I loved it. 

We ended up having our closest friends and family over for the party. A lot of people sadly wasn't able to make it but we still had a pretty good turn out. My mother in law even drove out all the way from Maine! I was very happy she was able to be here for his first birthday. 

This is me right before I gave birth to him. Yes, it looks like I hid a basketball under my shirt. Thinking to a year ago we were so happy to have our little boy. We felt so blessed. Then when he was 3 weeks old we had our whole lives turned upside down. We really had no clue if he would be here for his birthday. When anyone has a surgery there are so many unknowns. It is terrifying but our little boy beat cranio.

This past year we had many heartbreaks with him but we have much more to celebrate. We can celebrate that he is on track with all of his milestones. We can celebrate that his brain can grow the way it needs to. We can celebrate the strength he shown during surgery. Most of all we can celebrate who he is. A happy, loving, silly little boy who makes us smile each and every day. 

I cant wait to see the person he becomes. I hope he keeps his happy and loving attitude. I hope he can always be silly and funny. Our hearts are now full. Our family is now complete. Here is to the past year and the many more that are to come. We love you Eli. 

Peace and Love, 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Struggling With Finances

We are a one income family. My husband is a very hard worker but like most American's we are in debt. Our monthly bills are quite high and even though my husband makes decent money we still live paycheck to paycheck. So what do I do? I am a stay at home mom and I run my own oils business. My oil business is still in the just starting faze so we don't count on that for a true income even though we have made money off of it. It is hard not to bring home a steady income then talk about money, in the end it just makes me feel bad.

I feel bad because I feel like I am not contributing financially. I know I am contributing to my kids health, keeping the house clean, and making sure everyone is fed. That is all great but compared to financial contribution it seems like nothing. Sometimes with doctors appointments and other things that come up I cant even do some of the things a stay at home mom should. You would think since I stay at home my house would be spotless. Well it is not. Not even close. So, when we talk about finances it is really hard for me. It just tells me another thing that I am not being able to help with. 

I do have a college degree that was quite expensive to get. I am a certified Medical Assistant and my degree is a dual degree in phlebotomy. I absolutely love anything that is medical (that's why using essential oils for my health was easy for me) and I love everything a medical assistant does. If I love it so much, why am I not doing it to help earn an income? I would LOVE to go to work part time and earn a paycheck to help out. I say part time because raising my kids and not having someone else raise them is the most important thing to me. Too many kids are being raised by a caregiver these days, which is understandable, but not what I want to do. 

If I want to go to work, then why am I not? I would end up LOSING money if I worked. Yup, that is right. In the end I would have to pay to go to work. Isn't that crazy?! Daycare is very expensive where we are. I also have two and sometimes three kids that would need to be put in daycare. I would pretty much be working to pay a person to watch my kids and pay for gas to get to work. That is really sad. Right now my college degree is just sitting there and I am just sitting here feeling bad because I cant work. 

We actually tried to find something that I could work when my husband gets home but my husbands hours can vary a little bit and he works "bankers" hours because, well, he's a banker. Sadly a lot of shifts are either during those hours, won't get me home on time, or are overnights. Sorry, but I cannot stay up all night then stay up all day to take care of my kids. No way possible. With me not being able to work at all, how in the heck are we going to get out of debt?

We prayed about this. A lot. I know I have prayed about this at least once daily. My husband and I are chronic worriers. We worry about different things but we still worry. I worry most about health issues and he worries about financial issues. It's hard for me to worry about financial issues because Brad deals with finance and bills. Its hard for Brad to worry about health issues because I am the one making the doctors appointments and taking the kids to them.

There is a scripture in the Bible that I recently heard and I think it might just be my new favorite scripture. It is Philippians 4:6 and it really helps to put me at peace. The New Living Translation of it is " Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." It helps remind me that we are not alone in this. We need to place things in Gods hands more and worry about them less. I think the most important part is to show gratitude for what God has given you. God has blessed us with so much and even when we are struggling we need to be thankful for what we have.

Back to the praying. When we talked about our financial situation and I really started to worry, I decided to pray more. Then all of a sudden our church announces that they are doing a new series called Live Free and it will be helping us with our finances with what the Bible says. Not only will we be talking about how to get out of debt every Sunday, but they started growth groups that are part of the series. Our church got Dave Ramseys financial peace university kits discounted and we will be going through those at the growth group.

 Now let me just tell you something because I know you are all thinking it. Usually when a church talks about finances and the Bible it is talking about tithing and that we should be giving more to them. Well, our church isn't like that. They think tithing is important (it's in the Bible whether we like it or not) but they are not one of those churches that only talks about it. They are not trying to get more money out of us, they are trying to get us debt free. A lot of people don't see finances as a spiritual issue. The Bible talks more about money than it does talk about heaven or hell. Let that sink it. It is a spiritual issue. If we are out of debt, then we are truly free to do more of God's work.

It's so weird how when I started to really pray about it that our church announced that they were going to start with this series. I will start to post weekly post's about what we are doing and our progress in becoming debt free Gods way. I am very excited about this and I feel like God is saying to me "You are raising your children to love and know me. Don't worry about finances I will help you, just keep teaching your kids about me." Now, I just want to make something clear. I am not saying that you cannot raise good children if you don't believe. I am not saying that you are not a good person if you don't believe. I know many people out there that their children are wonderful and they are great people that are atheist. I try not to be judgmental because the Bible say's not to so I would never judge someone by their beliefs. I would love for them to find God and if they want to talk about God to me then I am more than happy to. I will not force my beliefs on them though, God gave us free will for a reason. I just feel in my life since becoming a Christian and following the Bible more, that I am now given a direct path to which my life should go. My path goes one way and that's right to Jesus.

I will make mistakes. I will fail at things. I will have heartbreak and sadness. It is a part of human life. One thing I wont be is alone and I wont ever feel unloved. If nobody in this world loves me then it doesn't matter because I have a God that loves me and would die for me over and over again. I see signs all the time that tell me I am doing the right thing and going the right way with my life. I know we will be okay financially. When everything seems like its against us, God will always be for us. I just have to remember that and be thankful for what I do have even if its not much. Gods not going to do anything for me, I have to put in the hard work. I just know with him on my side when I do put in the work it will pay off. If you are struggling with finances, pray. Keep praying and keep working because I believe God answers prayers and rewards hard work. That is what I will keep on doing and I will update you with how well we are doing getting rid of our debt and hopefully it might help out some of you guys too!

Peace and Love,

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Journey is Never Over

When you are diagnosed with craniosynostosis you hear the saying "welcome to the other side" or something a long those lines. You hear about the other side of craniosynostosis quite frequently. To me, it implies that after surgery you don't have to worry about craniosynostosis anymore and your child is now okay. Your child is "cured" from craniosynostosis. 

While it is a lot easier to handle being on the other side of craniosynostosis it doesn't mean the journey is over. It doesn't mean that your child will never have to have another surgery. It doesn't mean that you don't have to see doctors and specialist or worry about your child anymore. If anything after the surgery starts a new beginning of things you have to do.

Today my son is 3 months post-op and want to know what we are doing? Well, we are preparing for another surgery. We just got out of an eye doctor appointment and because of the craniosynostosis my sons right eye muscle is weak. The only way to fix that is through surgery. Then later we have an appointment for physical therapy. The craniosynostosis caused a head tilt so we have to go to physical therapy twice a week to try and straighten it out which the eye issue can also be a factor to the head tilt. 

Next week we are done with physical therapy. Well at least for now. They will do a check up in three months to see if he has improved and I need to do exercises with him until he is two. We have only one month left of helmet therapy because his head will be healed and we don't have to worry about him bumping it. No more than usual at least. We see a developmental nurse every couple months just to make sure there are no delays. It is more common that a baby that has no other conditions with his craniosynostosis (like Eli) can have developmental delays. We will be having those until he is three. In a couple months we have to go see the eye doctor again before we schedule his surgery. This time his surgery is going to be a lot less invasive than his skull surgery. It is only a 30 minute procedure and we will go home that day. Still though, its ANOTHER surgery! I feel like this is a never ending process with the craniosynostosis. What next?

I am starting to realize there will always be worry about another surgery. Not only with his newly discovered eye issues but what if another suture closes? It is rare that it happens but not impossible. Also there are many other surgeries we might be faced with. We might have to have holes in his skull closed if they don't close by themselves. We are also keeping track on the other side of his skull to make sure that develops the way it needs to. If it doesn't then we might need a surgery for that. There can also be sinus surgeries and a list of other surgeries that craniosynostosis can be the root cause of.

Now don't let me depress you and your journey. Being on the other side is better! We know without a doubt that we can take on any surgeries needed. We know his brain has room to grow now. The doctors appointments are not so bad, most of it is just keeping him on track. Plus a lot of babies are one and done babies. They have one surgery and never have another issue from their craniosynostosis. I'm just saying there is still a lot you have to do. Don't think that the surgery will magically make your life simple. Don't think that you will never have any other issues from the cranio. Don't think that your time of seeing doctors is over. You have been so strong and brave for your child but it's not over until the fat lady sings. Or at least until you are cleared from all doctors, most importantly your craniofacial surgeon and your neurosurgeon.

I have a lot of issues with letting myself feel frustrated. I built up this dream of the other side of craniosynostosis. One where I will not have to see doctors for this ever again and never have another surgery. I want to let you know, whether it's before or after surgery, it is okay to feel frustrated. It is okay to cry and worry. Its normal to feel like that! Don't hold it in. Talk to whoever you can about your frustrations. If you have other cranio-families you know it's awesome to be able to relate, but your friends and family will understand and let you vent too. You are not alone in this.

With all my frustrations out I want to say  happy 3 month cranioanniversary Eli. I am so proud of you and what you have been through in the first year of life. I am so happy to be your mom and what ever comes our way I know we will handle it. 

Peace and Love, 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

DIY Chandlier and Paper Lantern

I wanted to post a quick tutorial on how I made my chandelier from yesterday's post about my girls room. Even though the paper lantern was super easy to make I decided to add that in here to do a tutorial on that also. I spent next to nothing to make both of these and they really make the room pop! Here is what they look like.

We will start with the most difficult one first! The chandelier was a huge pain in the butt! Honestly, I will probably never make another one as long as I live. It was worth the pain in the back and the annoyance of making it through because it made Bridgette's side really pop! Also if you have really super sharp scissors that are thin it makes it 100x easier. I didn't, so it was a pain. Cutting out the cardboard was the most ridiculous part but the rest was easy peasy. Lets start out from the beginning. 

I made a template out of a chandelier silhouette I Googled. All you do is Google "chandelier silhouette clip art" and then go to images. Find the one you like best open it up and then right click it to copy it. After that you open up paint and paste the clip art you choose in it you want to make it a little bigger. I did that by going to print and then clicking on the page set up. 

After that you want to look at the fit to part. I made mine to be 1 page by 2 pages. If you want a really big chandelier you can make it 2 pages by 2 pages or 3 pages by 3 pages. You can also change the orientation of the page if you want it to look a certain way. After you switch around the orientation to the way you want it just go to print preview and you can see how it will print out. Here is a little picture to show you what I did.

After the template is printed out you will want to find what you want to make your chandelier out of. I choose to make mine out of cardboard. Since we still have two in diapers we have a bunch of diaper boxes laying around. I did try to make it out of foam board at first but it was almost impossible to cut and make it look nice. Cardboard is the way to go.

I cut out the chandelier template and taped the two pages together to make a big template. There was the beaded part of the chandelier template the I just cut right out so I just had the base. I opened up the box to make it easier to cut. Then I took tape and taped it to the box. I rolled the tape and taped it behind the template so I could trace around the whole image without having to worry about tape. 

Honestly the cutting part was one of the hardest parts of making it. It was a very dark time for me. I became a person that I didn't want to be when I was cutting out the darn thing. I swore, got moody, and felt exhausted after cutting it out. Okay, okay I might be over exaggerating but really guys it sucked! My wrist and back hurt just thinking about it. Anyways, I cut out two of the templates. After they are completely cut out I then decided to paint them. I took regular ol' craft paint in purple and did one coat on each side. A bonus the craft paint was .99 cents at Meijer and I used it to paint picture frames too! Score! Also I cut one of the templates in half before I painted it. 

I let it dry (on top of my picture frames that I was painting) then painted the other side. You can see the foam chandelier I tried to do. I wanted to make it bigger but trust me foam is not the way to go. Plus it cost $1.00 for the foam from the dollar store and the cardboard was FREE! After the paint is dry I modge-podged purple glitter onto it. I am cheap so I made my own modge-podge out of Elmer's glue and water. Super easy you just take the glue and put it in a bowl then slowly add water to make it thinner and easier to be able to paint. The glitter is amazing! It covered up any mistakes and it makes it look so pretty! 

Glitter gets everywhere! It has been two days since I made this and I am still finding glitter! I took some grocery bags to do the glitter on then I was able to put some of the glitter back into the container and throw the whole bag away. It made it less messy but glitter is, well, glitter. By nature it gets everywhere. After you put glitter on it you have to let it dry completely. I made the mistake of not letting it dry completely and when I went to hot glue it together it was very floppy. I would definitely let it dry for a couple hours if not overnight. The cardboard shouldn't be squishy. 

You hot glue the half pieces to the middle of the big piece like the picture above. I didn't wait for mine to dry completely so I had issues with it standing up right. When it was dry it was able to stand up great. I ran the hot glue down both of the sides where I glued the two pieces together. I immediately put glitter on top of the hot glue to hide it. I also took hot glue and ran it along the edges where you could really see the cardboard then immediately put glitter a long those too. It made it look really nice and you couldn't tell it was cardboard. I hot glued ribbon to the back of the chandelier. If I was smarter while the hot glue was still hot I would have added glitter to that too so I could cover up the ribbon part. Oh well, you live you learn. The ribbon is to hang it by. You can really use any type of ribbon for it. I used a thin black one because it was one I had already for crafts I was doing for Eli's room.

After that you can glue whatever accessories you want to the chandelier. I choose butterflies I got from the dollar store and some pearl looking beads I got from the craft section of Meijer. I think it turned out really nice and went really good with the whole decor of the room. You can really glue on whatever you want for your chandelier though, its great how versatile it is. After it was all ready I decided to let it hang on my daughters door until I was ready to hang it. I did this because I noticed when I laid it down some of the glitter came off and some of the parts started to bend a little bit. I am not sure if the chandelier was still wet (a big probability) or the cardboard I used was too thin. You can also buy a clear spray from a home improvement store to lock in the glitter and it will probably make it harder. Either way it will be hanging up and not laying down so it wasn't a big deal for me. 

Then we got a hook and hung it from the ceiling. All together this project cost me around $3! You could buy them at Walmart for around $19 and I think I found them for not too much online. I think it was like $8 but then you had to pay shipping. It was worth the extra work I had to put into it and I love the way it turned out! Now lets talk about the paper lantern. This will be a super short tutorial because it is super easy. First you buy a paper lantern from the dollar store. I had to look a round at a couple of them to find one. 

After I had the lantern set up all I did was add some daisy's and butterflies to the outside of it with hot glue. When you hang it, it will make it lopsided. So you can take some small marbles or some type of weight and then glue it to the inside on the other side so it hangs straight. After that, all I did was use a fake pearl stranded necklace and put it on the hook to hang it up with. I really liked the look of it and it made it hang a little better. I twisted some of the strands to lock it around the hook.

See easy peasy! All together I am guessing that this costed around $3 too. I am really bad at math but thinking about them I am pretty sure they even cost me less to do.You could make a couple of these and pair it with tissue paper balls (super easy to make) and make a really cool decoration to hang from the ceiling. 

Peace and Love, 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Making the Girls Room Pretty

My husband and I have been working like crazy people over the past week to re-do our girls room. Bridgette and Emelia share a room. There is an age difference between them so we don't know how long we would like them to share a room but for now they are LOVING it. Emelia doesn't sleep half as well when Bridgette is not here and they have a blast together.

Well, Bridgette was on spring break for last week and she went up north to her dads for the whole time. We decided to surprise her and re-do their room. It was hard waiting for Bridgette to come home and see everything. I even had Brad go and get her from her dads because we both know I would blab and tell her about it.

This was the room before. Sorry its kinda not a good pic. We of course forgot to take before pics when we started but thanks to Zillow we were able to find at least one pic from when they put our house for sale.

37274 Ilene St, Clinton Township, MI 48036

Our whole house had this bland tan walls. It is gross. We definitely painted as many walls as we could. The only places now that are left in that color are the hallway and our front living room/dining room. We will repaint those soon too. We have been here for a year now and finally had time (and an idea) to do the girls room. I didn't know I loved decorating as much as I did. My back hurts and some things were ridiculously hard to do but in the end it is worth it 100%.

That picture only shows a portion of the room but our after pictures show a lot more. Trust me, you are not missing out by not seeing the rest of the room in that picture. Now I wanted to show you what the room looks like now. We will start with Bridgette's side.

I got most of the things for her side from the dollar store. I cannot say enough how much I absolutely love the dollar store. It is one of my favorite places to be. Without sounding trashy, the dollar store is my Target lol. Well except the "dollar" stores where not everything is not a dollar. Those just make me sad. Seriously, when you use the word dollar in the name and call it a dollar store don't have things that are for $5. That is what 5 Below is for. Anyways, the Hello Kitty wall decals we got from Menards a while ago. The B I also didn't get from the dollar store. I made that myself with a wooden B from Michaels, silver paint, and some ribbon decals. That was the most expensive thing in the room and it was only around $6. The top wall hanging we had from a while ago so we didn't get that from the dollar store and same goes for the chandelier. Speaking of the chandelier....

Yeah, that's right. I hand made this thing! It was an absolute pain in the butt and I will probably NEVER make another one as long as I live but in the end it was so worth it. Especially since Brad told me I wouldn't be able to do it. Excuse me! I am an American woman, we are fantastic with crafts. Or failing at crafts but whatever. Hello, home of Martha Stewart here. In all honesty if he would have never said I couldn't do it, I might have given up on it. I'm stubborn and sometimes that stubbornness pays off. Needless to say my amazing husband was extremely impressed with my crafting skills. If you want to make your very own chandelier and bling out the paper lantern you can find my tutorial by clicking here

Now its time for Emelia's side. I kept Emelia's side a little less glamorous and more flowery. I figured the glam side was perfect for a Hello Kitty lovin' 7 year old and the flowery side would be better for a sweet two year old. Here is Emelia's side.

I got the flowers, the pictures, and the paper lantern from the dollar store. For the paper lantern I just hot glued flowers and pink butterflies that I got from the dollar store to it and hung it with pearl beads. Super easy. The E I did the same exact way as I did with the B from Bridgette's side. That was also super easy. The frames I got from Meijer for under $2 a piece. I couldn't even find the frames that cheap at the Salvation Army. They were white and brown so I decided to paint them with purple craft paint. Two of them when the paint was still wet I decided to sprinkle glitter on them and I love the way it turned out! 

My husband found pink and purple valances and I think it really pulled the room together. Bridgette picked out the color of the room and we really love the pink. It is soft and girly and best of all not boring tan! I wanted to do a before/after collage. Just so you guys can see the difference.

It is such a difference between the two! Now its time to see Bridgette's reaction. 

I love this picture. It shows how much in love she is with the room. She was nothing but smiles and giggles. We also got a video. 

I love how excited the girls are. Really just Bridgette is excited and Emelia is copying her but it definitely made us feel good about how much work we put into it. I am really proud of how it looks. Hopefully it will stay as pretty for a while but I guarantee it will be a mess by the end of the day! If you are re-doing a little girls room maybe you can get some inexpensive ideas from what we did. I know we spent less than $100 on the whole room including paint. I think the paint is what cost us the most and that was around $40. The rest I want to say we got for around $30.

Peace and Love, 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Comparison Game

You never really know how much you do or say something until your children start doing it. Some things are a wake up call immediately, like swearing for instance. The moment your little one utters those horrible words you know that you need to stop. Some things creep on you slowly and they are little things you notice overtime. I never knew how much I compared myself to others before my eldest daughter started to compare herself to others.

At school if her friends won something the first thing she would say is " I didn't win anything, but they did." She compares her hair to her friends and how tall she is. She compares her clothing and the things her friends have and she doesn't. It makes her miserable comparing herself to her friends and classmates. At first I thought it was just her being a kid. Now I realize she is getting that from somewhere and I notice how much I do it now.

I compare my hair to others and wish I had easy to manage hair. I compare my clothing to others and wish I could have an expensive wardrobe. I compare the size and look of my house to other peoples and think what I could do with just a little bit more room. I compare my stomach and legs to others. The fact that I got cursed with stretch marks on my stomach and my legs have horrible varicose veins while other people were lucky that they didn't get that from pregnancy. I compare my business to others and think of how well they are doing and why am I not doing that well? I am friendly enough, and I love what I sell enough? I am knowledgeable enough, why are others making higher ranks faster than I?

I thought that it was good to compare myself to others, because that gives me a goal to strive for. That was until my daughter started to do it. Then I realized that it makes the goal look unachievable. It makes you want to give up quicker because you aren't in the place that others are. Whoever made the quote "comparison is the thief of joy" has it right. When we compare ourselves to others, what we do have seems less. It seems like our life is less than others lives are. It makes us feel sad, not happy. Most of all when we compare ourselves to our friends, it lessens our joy for what is happening in their lives. You want to be happy for them but you can't because of your own jealousy.

I know I will always compare myself to others in one way or another but I want to be happy with what I have. I need to be happy with what I have. I need to be happy with everything that God and my husband has provided me with. There will be down times in my life while others have up times. The thing is those same people will have their down moments too. Everyone succeeds at some things and fails at others. That's the way of life.

I should be happy that I even have hair, because some sadly don't due to illness or a condition. I should be happy that I even have clothing. Some people cannot afford to have as much clothing as I have. My house fits my family perfectly in it. Why do I need a bigger house? So that my family can be farther apart? I have great neighbors and a nice house. The fact that I have stretch marks and varicose veins mean that I was able to give birth. I am able to have three wonderful children of my own. Some people don't get to have that. I am doing well on my business. No I am not at the top, but I am also not at the bottom. Most of all I get to share with others something I love, who needs to make the next rank when you have passion. It is also helping out my family in so many different ways, for that I will always be grateful.

Sometimes it is hard to be appreciative of what we have. It seems like a lot of people have the grass is greener on the other side syndrome. They think if I could make more money I would be happier. If I have a bigger house I will be happier. If I am with this person I will finally be happier. If I take this new job I will finally be happy. Nine times out of ten those things will not make you happy. Sometimes they even make things worse. I can think of another quote that says "the grass is greener where you water it." So why don't we start watering the grass that we own?

I know that I am going to look at what I do have more than what I don't. If not for me, then for my children. I need to lead by example for all of my kids. If I want my kids to act or be a certain way, then I need to be that way. It wont be easy but I know it will be worth it. Being kind, generous, and happy for others is where joy comes from. We can be happy for others and what they have, even if we don't have it. We can feel joy helping others achieve goals that we ourselves want. I want my children to know that. I want my children to have a servants heart. I want myself to have a servants heart. If we spent more times just caring for others instead of wishing we had what they have, this world would be a better place.

Peace and Love,

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Finding the Perfect Frosting

Okay, so my son's first birthday is this month. I wanted to try to make his own cake but I know my culinary skills are not up to par, plus I don't have the time. Thanks Kroger for having my back on that one! I do want to make cupcakes though since, well, cupcakes are easy. You make the cupcake (from the box, I am no Betty Crocker) and then you can frost them in a matter of minutes. I think I can handle that. The thing is the frosting that comes in containers...not impressive. The last time I made a butter cream frosting it ended up tasting like sugared butter. Not tasty at all.

So, I have been doing my research and now and there are a couple different things that you can put in a butter cream frosting. I will be testing out multiple different things in my frosting to see which one tastes the best. To me, the best is Meijer like frosting. It is delish! For my first recipe I decided on simple recipe that I kind of made up myself. Don't let that mislead you though, it actually tasted good. Is it perfect? No, but it is tasty. It also did not taste like sugared butter and tears. That's a step in the right direction! Okay so here it is and I will go step by step on how I made it!


1 cup Crisco shortening
1/2 cup butter (I choose real butter and did a stick)
4 cups powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (I choose the real stuff, not imitation)
1/3 cup half and half

It's pretty simple to do it just takes a little bit of time to throw it all together. First I started with the shortening and the butter at room temperature. I put them in a big bowl. 

 I creamed them together. Creamed is a fancy way of saying I blended them together. I started blending them at a lower speed then once they were blended pretty well I did a quicker speed. I blended it for 4 minutes. Yes, I know that is a lot of time but I really think its worth it. 

After that I added the vanilla in. Then I did more blending. You will be doing a lot of blending with this recipe.

After that I started blending in the powdered sugar, I blended it in 1/2 cup at a time. After each 1/2 cup I made sure to blend it in really well. It helps if you can use sifted powdered sugar. I personally didn't sift mine because I'm lazy. Oh and I don't have a sifter. So there's that. 

After all the powdered sugar is well blended you add in the half and half. I added it in a little at a time to make sure it was the consistency I wanted. 

I did end up adding a little bit more vanilla, half and half, and more powdered sugar to taste. I think I did a half cap-full more vanilla. I have no clue how much more half and half or powdered sugar I added. It was not very much though. If you wanted to add a little salt to make it not so sweet you can, I would only do a little bit and add it to the half and half and let it dissolve a little bit.  After it tasted pretty good to my standards I frosted my cupcakes. 

It frosted 24 cupcakes and I still had a cup or two left. I think it is plenty enough to frost a decent sized cake. If you wanted to color it add the food coloring at the very end. I hope you like this recipe. Let me know what you think!!

Peace and Love,