Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Why I give, even if I am being taken advantage of

If anyone knows me, they know that I love to give to others. I would give the shirt off of my back if it would help out someone. If I have money on me and it looks like someone needs it (even if I need it) I will give it to them. My husband likes to say "If you could, you would give others every dollar in our banking account." Honestly, I would. I love being able to help those that need it.

The sad thing is in this day and age, you don't know who really needs it. You cant distinguish them between who is just trying to make a quick buck. You see a lot of people recording "homeless" people that at the end of the day hop in their Mercedes. You see a lot of warnings for the GoFundMe and other fundraising sites of you have to really know the person. People see others making money and they want to make some too. There will always be someone that takes advantage of others. Its sad but true.

Today I was on a shopping trip with my kids and two very nice boys came up to me and asked if I would like to support them. They said their band has a chance to earn scholarships for college but they need the funds to be able to make it to the competition. I looked at them and immediately thought, what if they are scamming me? I have hardly ever thought that before but now a days I think that a lot. What if I am being played for a fool and they just take my money and run. Doesn't my family need that money?

I am actually saddened that I thought of that. It is in human nature to be selfish but I have always tried to be the least selfish person I can be. Does that mean I am never selfish? No, I have my moments where I can be very selfish but I try so hard not to be. These questions only took me a second to think about and after I asked myself them, I decided to give him money anyways. I only had $6 but I would gladly give him my "weekly allowance" for them to have a chance to go to college and better themselves. Oh, I should add I have a weekly allowance because my husband and I are trying to pay off debt and we have a very strict budget. Anyways, the fact is even after thinking all of that I gave them what I had.

I hear a lot of people say that they wont give to people who ask for money. I hear a lot of people say that they have heard stories about being ripped off and don't want to give their hard earned money to people who don't actually need it. My thought is this, yeah there are a lot of dishonest people out there. I mean a lot. There are also a lot of good honest people out there that have made bad decisions or have had life just happen to them that actually need the money. For some coming up to you and asking for money is the hardest thing that they would ever do. Just because some take advantage, doesn't mean all will.

Another thought I had is if a person is scamming you, that is on them. That is a problem in their heart. If you decide not to give to someone on the off chance that they may not be honest, well then that is on you. I personally would rather give to someone that maybe scamming me than not to give to someone that really needs it. If that makes sense. I am not dumb about it. I don't carry a lot of money on me so usually when someone asks me to give and  it will be around $5. That is an amount I feel comfortable with and honestly it really isn't a huge deal to my family. That is not a difference between eating and not eating for us.

There is a verse in the Bible that says "for where you treasure is, you heart will be also." To me, this verse says "what you spend your money on says a lot about you." You spend money on what is important to you. A lot of us spend it on just trying to keep up with one another. We have to have the newest things out or the nicest furniture. We have to spend all of our money (and even some we don't have) on keeping up with what the rest of the world has. For me, I want to spend my money on truly making a difference in others lives. I want to give to others because that is where my heart is. I want to teach my children to be charitable and giving. I want to teach them to be selfless and try to help out as many people as possible.

If you make a lot of money, then why wouldn't you spend time helping others. If you have it to give then why wouldn't you help out other people. Most people are just thankful for a couple bucks to help them out. A lot of people will refuse to give to others just because they see them as using it for drugs. If you don't know the person, then who are you to judge? I am not saying you have to give to every sally sob story, but if you have the money why wouldn't you try to help out as many people as possible? In this day and age I see a lot of people that make very good amounts of money and don't help out anyone. They just use it to buy themselves the newest stuff out there so they can show it off or just keep it. They make money the king of their lives. There is another Bible verse that says "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what shall man a man give in return for his soul?" What good is having all that money, but not using it to make a difference in other peoples lives? I know this verse has a ton of other meanings to it but that is one that I see.

I guess my big point is, don't let other people ruin you. Don't let someone being dishonest and taking advantage of you make it so you wont help out anyone. Yes you might get burned, but you might also really help out someone. I am not saying to go spend hundreds of dollars or not be able to feed your family by helping others, but if you have it then give it. Five dollars might not seem like a lot to you but it could make all the difference in the world to someone else.

Peace and Love,

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