Friday, March 20, 2015

Complete Randomness

This post is going to be very random. I have a ton of thoughts going on in my brain right now so I am just going to spill it all out on here. Here we go:

Random part 1:
Remember in my last post how I said we were having issues and asked you guys to pray for us? Well prayer worked! I am still not ready to completely tell what happened but needless to say everything turned out for the best. All I will say is it is sad when people use your kids to get to you. My husband and I are not perfect parents, but we do our best and our kids are in good hands. We would never ever (EVER!) do something to harm our kids. Enough said about that. 

Random Part 2:
On Wednesday we had a follow up appointment with Eli's surgeon. He is doing fantastic! They felt his head and was very surprised to find how hard it is. My husband joked "yep, just like his mom" and I just had to agree, not happily though. I am super hard headed sometimes but in this case it was a GREAT thing! We have to wear his helmet for another two months but then he will be helmet free by summer! We don't have to see his surgeon until next year for his 1 year follow up! He is right on track and we cannot thank God (and you guys for the support and prayers) enough. Oh and his hair is growing in really well now and his scar is getting less and less visible! I have been putting on a mixture of vitamin E, coconut oil, frankincense EO, lavender EO, and tea tree EO to try to help it heal and fade. I am really bad with remembering to put it on but I try to do it at least once daily. Here is a pic of it:

Random Part 3:
Eli's first birthday is coming up and I am so excited! My friends are helping me come up with ideas for a superhero party. I figured he is a little hero for everything he has been through (and still is the happiest baby ever) so why not have a super hero party! After the party I am going to take the decorations we come up with and decorate his room with them! I really like to reuse things as much as possible so I thought that was a great idea! I also want to try to make the cake and desserts myself. I know I can make cake balls pretty well. My MIL got me a cake decorating kit a couple years ago for Christmas so I want to actually use it (sorry Mom! I really do like it!) and make a cake and maybe some sugar cookies too. If anyone has any sweet recipes please let me know! Also if anyone that I know wants to be an official taste tester, uh please come on over and steal some of these goodies I am making. Please, before I end up gaining 100lbs. I will probably do another post just on his birthday and what I do. If I get really crafty I will post some tutorials on how to do it yourself. Yay!

Random Part 4:
Okay, so I know I talk a lot about God in my posts. I was reading through them and I saw that I do post at least something about God. When something is important to you, you can't help but talk about it. God is VERY important to me. God has always been in my life and I have always believed in him but I never put him as #1. My kids were always #1 and God was on my list of top 5 but he was near the end of that list. My life showed that. I did things that I am not proud of and made many mistakes. I still make mistakes but I do notice that once I started to put God as #1 my life has gotten so much better. I still have my ups and downs but I am proud of who I am today, which I couldn't always say that in the past. I post a lot about God because he is important to me. Sometimes I start out not even meaning to post about God but then I always do. I am not trying to shove my beliefs down your throat at all though. You have your own choices and there will be no judgement from me. If you do ever want someone to talk to though, I am here. 

Random Part 5:
This will be my last bit of randomness for today. I am so happy for the support I have gotten for Caring For Cranio. Honestly, when I started it I didn't know if it was even something I could do. I felt a need to want to help out but I didn't know how many people would be behind me on it. I am so thankful for my family and friends that took my crazy (and way overzealous) ideas and was behind me 100%! I have started to receive some homemade goodies to put in the care packages and I have two Southeast Detroit hospitals that are interested in getting my care packages! I still have a long ways to go with them and I still have to get some supplies to put in them to make them complete but I am so happy to those that want to help. I get carried away sometimes (okay, a lot of times) with what I want to do and I have BIG dreams for Caring for Cranio. I am just glad I have some help to make those dreams a reality. I really want to help these babies and families in any way possible and I believe with a little bit of help I really can. I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone that has supported me in this venture. It means so much to me that so many of you have my back in this! I am working still to become a 501(c)3 but it takes some time, and a lot of money. If anyone has any ideas of fundraisers I can do please let me know! 

As always thank you for taking the time to read my crazy posts. My husband pointed out the other day that some wording that I use is weird and sometimes my post don't always make sense. I guess just like I am weird and I don't always make sense lol. Thanks for reading anyways! ;-)

Peace and Love,

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